Remote Weigh In - For Title Fights

In truth, WKO World President Jon Green has made it well known he is not a fan of "Video Weigh Ins". This being said through the Pandemic, use of video meetings enabled the world to keep turning allowing businesses to function.
Due to the pandemic., to limit time people were together video weigh ins were allowed, as long as strict procedures were adopted. They actually worked well, without issue.
WKO clearly recognises both advantages and flaws in Video Weigh Ins. but also sees if managed they can remain an advantage to the sport if reduces costs for the event organiser and ensure opportunities for athletes are available to fight.
So although Video Weigh In remain under revie in WKO they are allowed, if the required steps are followed.
Video Weigh In Requirements:
Video Weigh In must be requested by Event Organiser and Approved by WKO
WKO Fee for Video Weigh In is £50 (Includes all weigh ins for the event)
Video Weigh In strictly for Title Fights ONLY!
Opponents must weigh in the same day
Video Weigh In can occur TWICE if requested
1st Video Weigh In Week Before (not live) Sent to Promoter
2nd Video Weigh In day before the fight NO earlier than 7pm (must be live) and includes event organiser and a WKO representative -
Scales must show calibration test
Weigh in must be at a recognise Gym
Fighters coach must be in the video
10kg plate must be weighed to show scales calibration
0.5Kg is NOT allowed as a tolerance
The video must show, on a smart phone Google, with the search today's date, See below for example image.
Video must be live via Whatsapp video call with a WKO Representative
If failed weigh in have 60 minutes to drop weight
No more than 2% of person weight at weigh in can be lost
If more than 2% of weight in needed to be lost the fighter has lost
the bout on the scales, if is the title holder the belt is awarded to challenger
if the challenger makes weight successfully -
Sauna's are NOT allowed to aid making weight
Video must show:
Fighter declaring Name, Date & Time, smart phone, showing google date,
10Kg weight placed on scales, display showing the weight of the plate
Footage from, face of fighter, down to feet on the scales, then to scales display screen showing the weight, then back to fighter as they state the weight on scales display.
Example of Google Search For Today Date:

Any deviation from the above requirements will result in the title fight being void. The requirement for weighing in the week before ensures both that the fighter is on target to make weight, and avoid drastic weight cuts the week before
All weaknesses and opportunities for cheating in regards to video weigh in, are negated and made robust with the above requirements.
This both allows video weigh ins to be conducted but also encourages fighters and event organisers to opt for standard in person weigh in.